Charge electric company cars at home and bill charging costs to the employer
For private individuals, too, reev offers a simple, legally compliant and automated solution for charging company cars at home. With the reev Software, all charging processes are recorded precisely according to consumption. The electricity costs can then be submitted to the employer for reimbursement, e.g. together with the monthly expenses.
Note: In order to ensure the reimbursement of costs, the use of the charging station and billing of the charging processes should always be agreed with the employer. However, this can also be done after the charging station has been installed and set up.
The receipts can also be submitted retrospectively. Please note that the receipts are not automatically sent to your employer as long as there is no company solution involved. You are also welcome to redirect your employer to us for advice.
It’s that simple:
1. Contact electrician and order
Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit einer Elektrofachkraft auf, die auf eMobility spezialisiert ist. Beauftragen Sie ihn/sie mit der Installation.
2. Register online and download the reev App
Nach abgeschlossener Installation registieren Sie sich als DienstwagenfahrerIn über das Online-Formular. Anschließend laden Sie die reev App herunter.
3. Start charging
Ihre Ladevorgänge werden verbrauchsgenau und rechtssicher über die in der Ladestation installierten reev Cloud-Software erfasst. In der reev App für FahrerInnen können Sie Ihre eigene Ladehistorie einsehen, Kosten überwachen und Rechnungen verwalten.
4. Submit receipts
eMail Belege werden automatisch generiert und Ihnen monatlich zugeschickt. Diese können Sie ganz einfach beim Arbeitgeber zur steuerfreien Erstattung einreichen.
In order to ensure consumption-based recording and legally compliant billing of the charging processes, access control must be set up at the home charging station.
The company car driver is authenticated directly at the charging station. This can be done, for example, via an RFID-enabled employee ID card, reev keyfob, or reev App.
Are you looking for a solution for your company?
Charging of company cars at home - for company car drivers
Which charging station is recommended for home charging?
We recommend ABL reev ready with the reev Compact licence version: this provides you with a coordinated overall solution consisting of high-quality ABL hardware and intelligent reev software. The preconfigured software makes commissioning and installation particularly easy. Find out more about ABL reev ready.
Are there technical requirements for the wallbox that need to be considered in order to achieve legally compliant billing using the reev model?
The hardware used must have a MID meter and be capable of baking. In addition, the hardware must be integrated in the reev Dashboard (example ABL eMH2). The charging station does not necessarily have to be compliant with calibration law. Network reception must be ensured at the installation site, as the charging station communicates via SIM card.
Can the reev software also be integrated in charging stations already installed?
If the charging station fulfils the technical requirements (see question above “Are there any requirements for the wallbox that need to be met in order to achieve legally compliant billing along the reev model?”), the reev software can also be retrofitted to an already installed home charging station. To do this, reev coordinates the commissioning with the local electrician and sends the required materials (e.g. SIM card and commissioning instructions) to the employee or electrician. Commissioning is quick and easy and is accompanied digitally by our support team.
Can other users access the charging station at home?
In principle, an access restriction must be set up at the charging stations at home to ensure individual consumption recording and legally compliant billing. An access restriction should, therefore also be set up if the wallbox is not publicly accessible (to other people). Authorization is possible via RFID-enabled employee ID card, reev Key Fob or the reev app for drivers, among others.
In the case of shared use of the home charging station, other users can also be authorized to charge at it, e.g. partners, neighbors, or guests of the registered company car drivers. This should be defined individually between employer and employee, for example, in an eCar Policy. In this case, a company authentication system is recommended: for example, with a reev app or RFID card, company car drivers can be identified and differentiated from other users. In this way, joint use is possible while at the same time recording the charging processes separately and accurately in terms of consumption. The employer only receives the charging costs incurred by authenticated company car drivers and for business charging processes.
How do employees authenticate themselves at the home charging station?
Authentication takes place directly at the charging station. And can be done, for example, via an RFID-enabled employee ID card, reev Key Fob or reev App.
Does an access restriction need to be set up at the charging station at home?
Yes, an access restriction must be set up at the charging stations at home in order to ensure individual consumption recording and legally compliant billing of the charging processes on duty. An access restriction must also be set up if the wallbox is installed in a closed garage and no other users (e.g. family members, neighbors, life partners) can charge at the charging station.
In the online registration form, the company car driver must indicate whether other users have access to the station.
The access restriction at the wallbox at home can be set by the reev service team.
In the case of shared use of the home charging station, other users may also be authorized to charge at it, e.g., partners, neighbors, or guests of the registered company car drivers. This should be defined individually between employer and employee, for example, in an eCar Policy.
What are the features of the reev app?
With the reev app, drivers can, among other things, view and edit billing information, view charging history, and control charging processes via remote start and stop. In addition, the reev app can be used as an authentication option at charging stations. Further functions and more information about the reev app can be found here.
What do company car drivers have to consider from a fiscal and legal point of view?
From a tax and legal point of view, no extraordinary regulations apply to company car drivers. The reimbursement of the company charging costs is a standard reimbursement of expenses. The electricity costs for the company car are reimbursed by the employer tax-free in retrospect and via a specifically generated receipt. Any reimbursement of electricity costs for private electric or hybrid electric vehicles, on the other hand, is taxable.
What receipts does the company car driver receive each month?
Company car drivers receive a monthly e-mail receipt of their own charging processes and charging costs at the charging station at home. A digital duplicate is sent to the employer.
What is the contractual basis between company car driver and reev?
If the reev company car charging at home is handled by the employer and the employer bears the costs for the reev software license, a contract is entered into between reev and the employer. Therefore, in this case, there is no contract between the company car driver and reev. Company car drivers must then agree to the terms of use alone.