
Software solutions

For active operators

License model

GHG quotas

Charge company car at home

ABL reev ready

reev App

Charging company cars at home – for companies


Charging company cars at home – for company car drivers

Software solutions

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    Who are reev’s software solutions suitable for?

    Our applications were developed for charging infrastructure operators so that they can easily offer charging services to their drivers as well as efficiently controlling and managing their charging stations. This applies, for example, to commercial businesses and the housing industry, as well as hotels and restaurants.

    In addition, we also provide applications for electric vehicle drivers to enable them to charge more easily.

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    What software solutions does reev offer for operating a charging infrastructure?

    We provide a cloud-based web application for operating a charging infrastructure: the reev Dashboard. On this user interface, operators have access to various functions for controlling and managing charging stations and charging processes.

    You can find more detailed information here: www.reev.com/software

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    How can I let others charge via the reev Dashboard?

    To enable others to charge via the reev Dashboard, i.e., to provide charging services, you create charging quotes. You can set almost all tariff options yourself and distinguish between the following five usage types:

    1. Regular charging – with billing

      • Consumer: driver with a registered RFID card, e.g., employees or renters
      • Purpose: monthly billing of all charging processes carried out – with an individual pricing structure
      • Payment processing: automated via credit card*

    2. Spontaneous charging – with billing

      • Consumer: spontaneous charger without a registered RFID card or eRoaming charging card, e.g., guests or customers
      • Purpose: Ad Hoc billing directly after the charging process – with an individual pricing structure
      • Payment processing: automated via credit card*

    3. eRoaming – with billing

      • Consumer: driver with an eRoaming charging card, e.g., EnBW or NewMotion**
      • Purpose: monthly billing of all charging processes made – without an individual pricing structure**
      • Payment processing: automated payment processing via a third-party provider, the so-called eMobility provider

    4. Free charging – without billing

      • Purpose: free charging without access control

    * Automated payment processing is handled by a payment service provider. Invoicing is nevertheless carried out on behalf of the charging infrastructure operator.

    ** Charging transactions made with the eRoaming charging card are remunerated to operators at 29 ct/kWh plus VAT.

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    With which hardware manufacturers is reev software compatible?

    Currently the reev software can be used with charging stations from ABL, ABB, Mennekes, KEBA, Alfen, Alpitronic, Delta, Hager and Walther Werke. A detailed overview of all compatible hardware models can be found here.

License model

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    What is the reev licensing model?

    reev software can be purchased in different versions or licences. Depending on the licence, different functions & services are available in the reev Dashboard, the online operator interface.

    Find out more >>

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    What costs will I incur as a result of the reev licensing models?

    The licence fee depends on the number of charging connections (charging points).

    • Compact: €6.90 per charging point per month
    • Pro: €9.90 per charging point per month

    In addition, there is a licence fee for the SIM card required per charging group (controller charging station) to communicate with the reev backend. If the backend connection is made via a LAN connection, this fee does not apply.

    • SIM card: €4.50 per controller charging station per month

    There is an activation fee per charging station for the upgrade.

    • Controller: €25.00 one-off
    • Extender: €10 one-off
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    What are the range of functions included in the Compact license?

    The Compact software model specializes in the precise monitoring of charging solutions across multiple locations. The license model allows for easy management of an unlimited number of users.
    In addition, access to the charging stations can be restricted so that only authorized drivers can start charging processes.
    All features included in Compact can be found here.

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    What range of functions is included in the Pro license?

    The reev Dashboard gives you access to the functions included in the Pro license. Numerous monitoring and management functions are available with this. In addition, you can provide and bill for charging processes with Pro. You can see all the functions included in Pro here.

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    How can I upgrade from Compact to Pro?

    Please fill in the form below to upgrade from a Compact license to a Pro license. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. To the form.

ABL reev ready

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    What is ABL reev ready?

    ABL reev ready is a coordinated charging solution consisting of ABL hardware with integrated reev software. ABL reev ready consists of a reev ready charging station with SIM card already inserted and one or more reev ready license keys Compact or Pro (one license key per charging point is required for commissioning). The software is activated with the reev ready license keys. The charging stations are then controlled and managed in the reev dashboard, the online operator portal. Learn more about ABL reev ready

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    Where is ABL reev ready available?

    As an electrician, you can purchase ABL reev ready from one of our wholesale partners. To do so, visit the respective online shop* and search for ABL reev ready. Here you will find an overview of our wholesales partners.

    As an operator, you can request ABL reev ready directly from us. To do so, please contact us. *Note: In some cases, a login is required for the purchase.

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    How to select the desired software license?

    You can obtain the desired software license by selecting the appropriate reev ready license key (Compact or Pro)when purchasing ABL reev ready. Here you can find an overview of the software licenses: https://reev.com/software/ 

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    How can I upgrade from Compact to Pro?

    An upgrade of the software license is possible at any time. To do so, please fill out this form. Our experts will contact you afterward.

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    How do I extend the term of my software license?

    The software licenses have a term of 2 years. After the expiration of the contract period, the license is automatically extended by another 2 years. For more information about the reev software licenses, please click here.  

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    How is ABL reev ready put into operation?

    ABL reev ready charging stations can be commissioned in just 4 simple steps by the installing electrician.

    • Step 1: Installation of the wallbox(es).
    • Step 2: Filling out the online commissioning form
    • Step 3: Attaching the reev sticker to the wallbox
    • Step 4: Handover of the operator set to the CPO of the charging infrastructure

    Afterward, the operator can easily activate the reev dashboard with the reev ready license keys at reev.com/setup

reev GHG quotas

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    What is the GHG quota?

    The GHG quota is a regulatory instrument for reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. CO2 savings are realised through the use of eMobility, which can then be sold to the mineral oil companies that are subject to the quota. Thus, additional costs arise for the mineral oil companies, and users of eMobility (which is far lower in CO2 emissions by comparison) generate additional income. This redistribution has a steering effect that is intended to ensure the transition from conventionally powered vehicles to eMobility in the long term.

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    Who can use the reev GHG quotas?

    The reev GHG quota can be used by both companies and private individuals. Companies can use the reev GHG quota for all electric company cars and pool vehicles. In addition, companies can use the reev GHG quota for publicly accessible charging points. Private individuals can use the reev GHG quota for their battery electric vehicles via the reev App.

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    What are the benefits of using reev GHG quotas?

    When calculating the reev GHG quota for battery electric vehicles, a fixed amount of €70 or more* annually applies. This can be used for electric company cars and pool vehicles within companies, as well as for private battery electric vehicles. Companies can also claim reev GHG quotas for all publicly accessible charging points and thus generate an additional 3.5 cents per kWh in revenue.

    *Depending on the vehicle class, you will receive a different amount.

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    Who gets the €70 per electric vehicle?

    Owners of pure battery electric vehicles can take advantage of the flat rate of € 70 or more* per year. The fixed amount goes to the person who is named as the owner in the registration certificate, part 1. This can be a company or a private person.

    *Depending on the vehicle class, you will receive a different amount.

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    Can the reev GHG quota also be used for plug-in hybrids?

    No. The GHG quota can only be used by owners of pure battery electric vehicles (BEV).

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    What are the prerequisites for using the GHG quota for public charging points?

    To use the GHG quota for public charging points, your company requires the Dashboard Pro. This enables you as a company to receive 3.5 Cents for each kWh charged on public charge points. To be eligible for the quota, ad hoc charging needs to be activated, the charge point needs to be compliant with calibration law, and the charge points need to be registered with the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur).

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    Are the 3.5 Cent realised for each kWh charged?

    If the conditions for public chariging are met and the reev Dashboard Pro is activated, 3.5 Cents are realized for each kWh charged at the respective charging point. This includes charging of BEV, PHEV, charging of employees’ cars, ad hoc charging and eRoaming.

reev App

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    What functions does the reev app have?
    • Driver self-registration: After receiving an operator invitation, drivers can independently add RFID cards
    • Mobile charging: Start and stop charging processes via the app
    • View charging history: Check charging process details such as costs, duration and location
    • Real-time: Keep an eye on active charging processes
    • Security: Store password-protected invoice and credit card information for monthly billing
    • Payment: Secure payment via Apple Pay, Google Play or credit card
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    How does charging work with the reev app? An example:

    Request for employee charging

    1. Stefanie would like to charge her eCar at the workplace.


    1. Stefanie’s employer creates a charging quote in the reev Dashboard for her and invites her to use the reev app.

    Charging via app

    1. After scanning the QR code on the Wallbox, Stefanie can now start, control and stop the charging process.

    View charging history

    1. You can securely view consumption, cost or invoice data in the app at any time.
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    Who can use the reev app for drivers?

    Operators of an intelligent reev charging station or users of these stations can use the reev app. Currently, the application is only compatible with charging stations with an installed and activated reev Dashboard. Drivers require an invitation from the charging station operator in order to be able to use the app.

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    Where is the reev app available?

    The reev app for drivers is free and available for iOS and Android at the Apple App Store as well as the Google Play Store.

    App Store

    Google Play Store


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    What is meant by a charging group?

    A charging group can be identified via the respective controller charging station. Each charging group can include several extenders in addition to the controller. Communication between the reev backend and a charging group takes place exclusively via the controller. For this purpose, an LTE stick, including a SIM card, is installed in the control unit for the controller charging station. The data exchange between the communicating controller charging station and the connected extender charging stations in a charging group takes place via BUS cabling.

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    What is the difference between Controller and Extender charging stations?

    Extender charging stations are charging stations that are connected to the controller and cannot communicate independently with the backend. The connection between the reev backend and a charging group runs exclusively via the controller charging station, which is connected to the mobile network. For this purpose, an LTE stick, incl. SIM card is installed in the control unit for the controller charging station or the external control center for the charging group. The data exchange between controller and extender charging stations takes place via BUS cabling.

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    What is the purpose of the QR code stickers?

    By scanning the QR code, drivers are taken to a mobile website where they can enter their credit card details for Ad Hoc billing of spontaneous charging operations.


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    What is an EVSE ID and what is it used for?

    The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ID, EVSE ID for short, can be used to identify charging connections.

    An EVSE ID consists of

    • the country code, e.g. DE
    • the three-digit EVSE operator ID
    • the ID type and
    • the power outlet ID.

    The power outlet ID is created by the operator or reev and consists of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

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    What is Ad Hoc charging?

    Find out more about this in our blog article:

    What is Ad Hoc charging?

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    What is eRoaming?

    Find out more about this in our blog article:

    What is eRoaming?

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    What is the difference between AC and DC charging?

    Find out more about this in our blog article:

    AC/ DC charging – What is the difference?

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    What is calibration law?

    Find out more about this in our blog article:

    Calibration law in eMobility

For active operators

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    What can I do if I have problems with my charging infrastructure or need help?

    Please have a look at our FAQs. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact our support team. Our experts will be happy to help you:

    Phone: +49 (0) 89 889 970 48

    eMail: support@reev.com

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    What do I do if I lose the welcome letter?

    If you lose the welcome letter, please contact our support directly (support@reev.com).

    In order to create a copy of your welcome letter, please provide us with the serial number of your charging station. This is required to access your individual activation code.

    The serial number consists of the product number for your charging stations and 5 additional digits. You can usually find the serial number on the sticker on the charging station directly under the barcode.

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    What do I do if I forget my login details?

    Your username corresponds to the email address you submitted to us in the setup form at https://reev.com/setup/.

    If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on the login page. You can reach the login page in the header menu or at the following URL.


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    Can I use other RFID cards for authentication in addition to the reev charging cards?

    You can use all RFID cards that comply with the Mifare standard. The reev Dashboard cannot be taught to read third-party RFID cards, so these must be read in manually via the RFID card reader.

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    How can I order more RFID cards or keyfobs?

    To order additional RFID cards or keyfobs, please fill out the following form. To the order form. 

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    Is it possible to use an RFID card to activate the Wallboxes for charging at different locations?


    You create a charging quote and activate it for all locations. Then assign the card, including the consumer (driver or vehicle) in the charging quote.

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    Do I need charging stations in accordance with calibration law in order to be able to submit exported transactions as a receipt to the tax office?

    Yes, in order to be able to invoice charging processes to third parties, charging stations that comply with calibration law are mandatory in Germany. We cannot make any binding statement regarding the submission of exported receipts to the tax office. We ask for your understanding and refer you to the legal situation that is currently valid.

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    What do I do if I forget my login details?

    Your username corresponds to the email address you submitted to us in the setup form at https://reev.com/setup/.

    If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on the login page. You can reach the login page in the header menu or at the following URL. dashboard.reev.com

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    What can I do if I have problems with my charging infrastructure or need help?

    Please have a look at our FAQs. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact our support team. Our experts will be happy to help you:

    Phone: +49 (0) 89 889 970 48

    eMail: support@reev.com

Charge company car at home

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    Where and how can company car drivers register for home charging?

    Eligible drivers register via an online form. Required information includes address, contact details, electricity price (kWh price), and proof of this, e.g., an electricity bill or the electricity contract. After submission, the information will be checked by the reev support team. Info: Basically, the use of the feature should be coordinated with the employer also to ensure the reimbursement of costs.

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    At what electricity price do company car drivers charge at home?

    At the local, own electricity price at the place of residence of the employee. When registering the authorized drivers, the own electricity price must be specified and a proof (e.g. electricity bill, contract) must be uploaded, which will be checked for authenticity by the reev service team.

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    How do employees authenticate themselves at the home charging station?

    Authentication takes place directly at the charging station. And can be done, for example, via a separate RFID card, RFID-enabled employee ID card, or reev app.

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    Do employers and drivers use the same systems?

    No. Company car drivers can use the reev app. This can be used, among other things, to view charging history and control charging processes via remote start and stop. Companies continue to use their existing reev dashboard access to manage and control their charging solution at the company site. Receipts for home charging are sent monthly via email (to employers and company car drivers).

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    Who pays for the charging station at home?

    In principle, the financing of home charging stations must be agreed upon individually between company car drivers and the employer. The assumption of costs can be generally regulated in an eCar policy of the company, for example. Overall, there are two options for financing:

    1. Financing by the employee Employees assume the costs for the charging station themselves. Since the charging station can also be used privately and thus does not have to be returned to the employer after termination of the employment relationship, this is the preferred option in many cases.

    2. financing by the employer can provide the charging station to the driver on loan at his/her expense, e.g., together with the electric company car.

    However, the employer also has the option of subsidizing the costs of installation and purchase of the charging station by the company car driver. This is considered a non-cash benefit and must be taxed at 0.25%. The company can also reimburse the charging station and “give it away” to its employees in addition to their wages. This variant is also considered a non-cash benefit and must be taxed at 0.25%.

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    Who pays the software license fees for the charging station at home?

    In order to use the reev company car charging at home, the reev software must be installed on the home charging stations of the company car drivers. Overall, the costs for the reev software depend on the license version chosen. The choice of hardware also influences the fees. Who bears the costs must be agreed individually between the company car driver and the employer. We will be happy to advise you on this and explain the options. Simply get in touch with our team.

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    Are there technical requirements for the wallbox that need to be considered in order to achieve legally compliant billing along the reev model?

    The hardware used must have a MID meter and be capable of baking. In addition, the hardware must be integrated in the reev dashboard (example ABL eMH2). The charging station does not necessarily have to comply with calibration regulations. Network reception must be ensured at the installation site, as the charging station communicates via SIM card. 

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    Can the reev software also be integrated into already installed charging stations?

    If the charging station meets the technical requirements (see question above, “Are there requirements for the wallbox that must be observed in order to achieve legally compliant billing along the reev model?”), the reev software can also be subsequently integrated into an already installed charging station at home. For this, reev coordinates the commissioning with the local electrician and sends the required materials (for example, SIM card and commissioning instructions) to the employee or the electrician. The commissioning is simple and fast and is digitally accompanied by our support team.

Charging company cars at home - for companies

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    Which software licence is required for the charging company car at home feature?

    Companies can use the company car charging at home feature with the reev Compact and reev Pro licence. Drivers of company cars require the reev Pro licence to use the feature at their home charging station.

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    How to enable the feature?

    For this purpose, please contact the reev team: at sales@reev.com. Please provide us with the names and email addresses of the authorized company car drivers.

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    How can the company be sure that only the costs for business trips are billed?

    Similar to a fuel card, it is not possible to track down to the smallest detail for which route fueling and billing takes place. Authentication methods, e.g., RFID cards, can be used to ensure that only charging processes performed by authorized drivers are recorded in the company’s accounting documents. The use of RFID cards is based on a relationship of trust between employer and customer.

    For example, an eCar Policy, an extension of the classic car policy to include additional guidelines for electric vehicles, could be used to define the details of use, such as the billing of private versus business journeys.

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    Does my employee need to set up an access restriction at the charging station at home?

    Yes, access to the charging station at the company car driver’s premises must be restricted in order to ensure individual consumption recording and legally compliant billing of the charging processes. Even if the wallbox is installed in a closed garage and no other users (e.g., family members, neighbors, or life partners) can charge at the charging station, an access restriction must be set up.

    The access restriction at the wallbox at home can be set by the reev service team.

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    Which and how many receipts does the employer receive per month?

    The specified contact person in the company receives monthly different eMail receipts in a collected ZIP folder:

    • An overview of the total costs of the month: all charging processes of all company car drivers at a glance.
    • A separate receipt per company car driver: the transactions and costs per driver.

    The individual receipts can then be used for internal individual accounting.

    Additional info: The respective company car drivers also receive a monthly e-mail receipt exclusively about their own charging processes (duplicate of the receipt for the company).

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    Is in-company reimbursement of charging costs from the employer to the employee tax-free?

    Yes. reev’s “charge company car at home” solution is a tax-free reimbursement of business expenses based on a consumption-based receipt. The tax-free reimbursement is made directly between the employer and the employee. No invoices or credit notes are generated between provider and employee and/or provider and employer for the reimbursement of charging expenses. As a result, the employee does not become a service provider (e.g., electricity seller). The electricity costs for the legally recorded on-duty charging processes may therefore be reimbursed tax-free.

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    What is the billing period and at what billing level is the document created?

    The employer provides a monthly digital receipt of all home charging transactions made by eligible company car drivers on official business. The receipt serves as the basis for tax-free reimbursement of expenses through wage payment. The employer sends the invoice (automatically) directly to the employee.

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    What has to be considered in the event of termination of the employment relationship between the company car user and the employer with regard to the wallbox?

    This procedure depends on whether the wallbox is a) owned by the company or b) the employee. In principle, a company-specific regulation is recommended here, which can also be defined in an eCar policy if necessary.

    In the first case a), for example, the employee can make a payment.

    In the second case b), the wallbox would remain in possession of the employee even after termination of the employment relationship. In both cases, however, the access of the departed employee is deactivated on the part of reev. The charging station can continue to operate, but no more receipts for on-duty charging processes are created.

Charging of company cars at home - for company car drivers

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    Are there technical requirements for the wallbox that need to be considered in order to achieve legally compliant billing using the reev model?

    The hardware used must have a MID meter and be capable of baking. In addition, the hardware must be integrated in the reev Dashboard (example ABL eMH2). The charging station does not necessarily have to be compliant with calibration law. Network reception must be ensured at the installation site, as the charging station communicates via SIM card.


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    Can the reev software also be integrated in charging stations already installed?

    If the charging station fulfils the technical requirements (see question above “Are there any requirements for the wallbox that need to be met in order to achieve legally compliant billing along the reev model?”), the reev software can also be retrofitted to an already installed home charging station. To do this, reev coordinates the commissioning with the local electrician and sends the required materials (e.g. SIM card and commissioning instructions) to the employee or electrician. Commissioning is quick and easy and is accompanied digitally by our support team.

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    Can other users access the charging station at home?

    In principle, an access restriction must be set up at the charging stations at home to ensure individual consumption recording and legally compliant billing. An access restriction should, therefore also be set up if the wallbox is not publicly accessible (to other people). Authorization is possible via RFID-enabled employee ID card, reev Key Fob or the reev app for drivers, among others.

    In the case of shared use of the home charging station, other users can also be authorized to charge at it, e.g. partners, neighbors, or guests of the registered company car drivers. This should be defined individually between employer and employee, for example, in an eCar Policy. In this case, a company authentication system is recommended: for example, with a reev app or RFID card, company car drivers can be identified and differentiated from other users. In this way, joint use is possible while at the same time recording the charging processes separately and accurately in terms of consumption. The employer only receives the charging costs incurred by authenticated company car drivers and for business charging processes.

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    How do employees authenticate themselves at the home charging station?

    Authentication takes place directly at the charging station. And can be done, for example, via an RFID-enabled employee ID card, reev Key Fob or reev App.

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    Does an access restriction need to be set up at the charging station at home?

    Yes, an access restriction must be set up at the charging stations at home in order to ensure individual consumption recording and legally compliant billing of the charging processes on duty. An access restriction must also be set up if the wallbox is installed in a closed garage and no other users (e.g. family members, neighbors, life partners) can charge at the charging station.

    In the online registration form, the company car driver must indicate whether other users have access to the station.

    The access restriction at the wallbox at home can be set by the reev service team.

    In the case of shared use of the home charging station, other users may also be authorized to charge at it, e.g., partners, neighbors, or guests of the registered company car drivers. This should be defined individually between employer and employee, for example, in an eCar Policy.

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    What are the features of the reev app?

    With the reev app, drivers can, among other things, view and edit billing information, view charging history, and control charging processes via remote start and stop. In addition, the reev app can be used as an authentication option at charging stations. Further functions and more information about the reev app can be found here.

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    What receipts does the company car driver receive each month?

    Company car drivers receive a monthly e-mail receipt of their own charging processes and charging costs at the charging station at home. A digital duplicate is sent to the employer.

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    What is the contractual basis between company car driver and reev?

    If the reev company car charging at home is handled by the employer and the employer bears the costs for the reev software license, a contract is entered into between reev and the employer. Therefore, in this case, there is no contract between the company car driver and reev. Company car drivers must then agree to the terms of use alone.

To the top

Do you have any questions?

We would be happy to send you further information or to provide you with individual advice in person.