
The number of electric car owners is increasing – and with it the demand for vehicle charging options. We have summarised the most important information on installing a charging station at apartment buildings in 3 steps.

Right to charging options

In principle, flat owners will in future have a right to install a charging facility for eCars. In future, these measures will no longer require consent from all flat owners. The costs are to be borne by the beneficiary owners. In future, tenants will also have a right to demand that landlords allow an electric charging station to be installed at the tenants’ expense.

Subsidies for charging stations at residential properties

Installation of a charging station at an apartment building is currently subsidised by the KfW with €900 per charging point. All homeowners, tenants and landlords can apply for funding for privately used parking spaces at residential buildings. Together with the legal entitlement, this creates the perfect conditions for charging stations at private homes. You should proceed as follows if you wish to purchase a charging station:

1. Notify the homeowners or property management

You cannot purchase a charging station without permission from the homeowners or the property owner association. Therefore, the first step is to inform the homeowners or property management in writing about your planned purchase by eMail or letter. Other important points when clarifying the charging station issue are the electricity bill, what happens if you move out of the rented flat and cost sharing between tenants and owners. In closed spaces, such as an underground car park, there may also be requirements for ventilation equipment.

2. Wait for a decision

Rarely does one person alone make a decision about this type of project; usually an owners’ meeting is called to decide on the installation. As already mentioned, you can assert your right to charging facilities. It can be an advantage if you are present at the meeting – this way prejudices can be eliminated and helpful information can be given. In addition, you will need to apply to municipal offices, charging station providers and grid operators for authorisation.

3. Selecting the electrician and the right charging station

Once your project has been approved by the property management, you can start looking for the right charging station for your electric car and have it installed by a trained electrician. Since a charging station must be connected to a power connection (400 volts three-phase alternating current), it requires rewiring. In addition, a metering device must be installed in order to be able to bill the charging station’s electricity independently of the building electricity.

Often, the charging station has to be checked again by the in-house electrician before it is put into operation. In the best case, a certified VDE test report should then be available.

You want to know more about charging
in apartment buildings?