
Electrical trade company and software company: Combined expertise for full service charging infrastructure.

For a faster expansion of charging infrastructure, the electrical specialist company reev solutions is working together with the software company reev. Based in MünchenIn, the two eMobility companies share an office, which not only creates a special atmosphere. Synergies can also be used in a unique way. This is because the two companies are breaking new ground in the electrical implementation of charging solutions by precisely matching the electrical and software-based components of charging stations. This makes new solutions for complex charging infrastructures possible. Software and electrical trade as a coordinated symbiosis – this is the goal that reev and reev solutions have been pursuing through their cooperation since the end of 2021.

The coordinated full service concept: reev solutions takes care of the technical planning, installation and, if required, maintenance of the charging stations. These are equipped with intelligent reev cloud software, which enables the control of the charging stations, as well as automated billing of the charging processes according to different user groups. Operation is then possible both in-house and by third parties through reev.Egal ob in Unternehmen, der Wohnungswirtschaft, Gastronomie oder Parkhäusern – das Full Service Angebot wurde speziell für komplexe Anwendungsfälle konzipiert.reev solutions has already successfully implemented over 600 eMobility projects. We asked Maximilian Boss, the managing director, what exactly the cooperation with the software company reev looks like and what is important when installing charging stations.

You are the managing director of the electrical specialist company reev solutions and are responsible for installing the charging stations. What does it all involve?

“We advise the interested parties according to their requirements. Expectations and wishes are expressed in the first meeting. Then, together, we create a holistic concept that also includes the energy framework conditions for the project so that operators are prepared for future changes in the energy market. We then install the charging infrastructure, configure the individual charging stations and link them to the reev software (why does a charging station need a backend?). The online charging platform, the reev dashboard, is then available to the operator. If desired, we also take care of the maintenance that is legally obligatory for operators.”

What should be considered while installing charging stations?

“Above all, it is important that the use case is 100% understood and individual requirements are taken into account in the planning. Only then can the charging infrastructure be used in the best possible way. Possible extensions can be subsequently integrated into the planned infrastructure. Basically, the installation of intelligent charging infrastructure is always recommended. Intelligently designed charging infrastructure not only enables drivers to charge their vehicles. It is also able to positively influence the overall energy situation in the building by avoiding load peaks and making smart use of tariff differences due to the time of day.”

Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass die Ladestationen mit ausreichend Strom versorgt werden?

“Here it is important to consider the existing electrical situation of the building and to determine the users who want to charge vehicles. Of course, the specific use case also plays an important role here. For example, a distinction must be made between a situation in which an e-service car is to be charged at home and the charging of fleets in the company. Based on this, intelligent, dynamic load management can be used to align the power grid so that the charging infrastructure can manage without increasing power and with the available electricity (What is charging and load management?). The available electricity power is then automatically distributed to the number of charging electric cars and an overload of the electricity grid is prevented.”

Are there any conditions where the installation of charging stations is excluded?

“The power of the existing electricity grid can be a potential trouble spot when installing charging stations. However, this hurdle can usually be overcome by increasing the power. When it comes to the question of whether the acquisition of charging infrastructure makes sense in general, it is the economic efficiency rather than the actual feasibility that plays a role. Apart from that, we are always happy about new challenges that we don’t even know about today.”

Why is it worth planning for electro mobility right from the start, especially in new buildings?

“There are several good reasons here. Among other things, the new Building Electric Mobility Infrastructure Law (GEIG) stipulates that new buildings must be pre-equipped for charging infrastructure. This saves costs that would be much higher if electro mobility were integrated later. The second elementary reason is that as the demand for charging options increases, the available electrical connection capacities often do not grow simultaneously. As already mentioned, this problem can be solved on a situational basis. However, in order to build stable and energetically sensible systems in the long term, a uniform concept must be pursued. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the energy requirements when planning new buildings from the very beginning.

What makes the cooperation between reev and reev solutions special?

” As electrical specialists, we observe that charging software is of great importance, especially in charging parks with AC charging stations (AC/DC charging – What’s the difference?): Here, the power output must be intelligently controlled between an increasing number of users and new local power generation such as photovoltaics. The solution to these challenges involves many software elements and is difficult to implement without an understanding of electro-technology. This is where the cooperation between reev and reev solutions comes in: the overall concept is convincing due to the otherwise rather rare combination of electrical specialists and software solution providers.”


Maximilian Boss has been the Managing Director of reev solutions since January 2021. Boss lives in Munich and holds a Master of Science in Strategic Management completed in Vienna.

reev solutions is a specialised electrical contractor for eMobility that advises its various customers, such as companies, housing associations, construction companies and planning offices, on the installation of charging infrastructure independently of manufacturers. The installation team takes care of the planning, installation and maintenance of charging stations, including the integration of other energy sources such as photovoltaics and energy storage.

Are you interested in the reev charging solutions?

For advice or if you have any questions, we are always there for help.