
Residential and commercial properties are increasingly being equipped with electric mobility to meet the growing demand for charging options. In the future, electro mobility will grow – this raises the question of how buildings can be prepared accordingly for the expansion of charging infrastructure.

Creating a marketing basis through electro mobility

According to the German Building Electric Mobility Infrastructure Law (GEIG), pre-fitting for charging infrastructure is already mandatory: For new buildings above a certain number of parking spaces as well as for existing buildings undergoing extensive renovations. This means that in the future, electro mobility must be considered from the outset in building planning – whether apartment buildings or terraced houses with private parking spaces or commercial properties with offices, employee parking spaces or public car parks.

Investing in charging infrastructure is worthwhile for owners and investors: If the technical precautions are already taken during construction, tenants can have wallboxes installed afterwards without much effort. A gradual expansion of the charging stations is then possible as needed at any time in a cost-efficient manner and significantly increases the value and attractiveness of the property for buyers and tenants.

Equipping the building with a basic infrastructure for electro mobility is necessary to ensure that it meets current building standards. Furthermore, costly subsequent conversions can be avoided through forward-looking planning and well thought-out concepts.

eMobility concept for efficient and sustainable charging infrastructure

However, from the perspective of electrotechnology, there are also a number of arguments in favour of planning for electro mobility in a timely manner. “For new buildings in particular, it makes sense to lay the foundation for scalable charging solutions at an early stage through pre-installations, which can be easily and efficiently expanded as needed,” explains Eduard Schlutius, CEO of reev.

For this purpose, the eMobility service provider develops a concept in cooperation with the responsible planning office: among other things, it clarifies the specific application, i.e. how many electric vehicles will be charged at what time and for how long, and how the available house connection power can be optimally used. Based on this, the electricity grid is aligned through intelligent, dynamic load management in such a way that the charging infrastructure can manage without increasing power and with the available electricity.

“In order to build stable and energetically sensible systems in the long term, a uniform concept must be followed. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the energy requirements when planning new buildings from the very beginning,”according to Maximilian Boss, Managing Director of reev solutions, a specialised eMobility electrical company that works closely with reev.

Thanks to this holistic planning, it is ensured that the necessary space reserves and technical areas are maintained and at the same time the potential later expansion of the charging infrastructure is taken into account in the construction process. Connection services are prepared and do not have to be constantly expanded afterwards. Furthermore, the eMobility concept also specifies how ownership will be managed and who will take over the operation of the charging infrastructure. On the basis of this information, the appropriate licence for the control and management of the charging processes is selected in order to enable a precisely fitting use.

Project steps of the electric mobility equipment for your building project

Equipping new buildings with electro mobility systems is usually carried out in three project steps:

  1. In the first step, planning and consultation take place, resulting in an eMobility concept with detailed planning. This is developed in joint planning with the eMobility service provider and the planning office involved.
  2. This is followed by the selection of suitable hardware with, if necessary, already integrated software that enables the control of the charging infrastructure.
  3. The third step is the professional technical basic installation and the commissioning of the charging stations, if this is desired. Depending on requirements, the basic installation can be easily, cost-effectively and modularly expanded at a later date.

Are you interested in the reev charging solutions?

For advice or if you have any questions, we are happy to be there for you personally at any time.